Identity of a technology company focused on identity analysis.
Icar was a startup from the Universitat
from Barcelona.
A company dedicated to creating software
and hardware for the identification of identity documents, to enable transactions
between individuals and financial entities through IT channels in a secure way.
icar has recently been acquired by Mitek, a San Diego-based Nasdaq company,
Desde el punto de vista de comunicación, icar estaba demasiado expuesta hacia el plano de la ingeniería, eclipsando su principal value: their know how in the implementation of their systems.
Their solutions were confused with its hardware products and software.
Articulamos una estrategia de comunicación a medio-largo plazo, centrada en convertir a icar en referente en el área de seguridad en_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_IT and B2C based businesses.
Reordenamos las capas informativas, creando un eje conceptual y transversal : Business fraud proof, y diseñamos el discurso de venta_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_de forma adaptable to each actor towards where the sales force was directed.
From this transversal concept, we shaped a series of tools, with full capacity to transmit the real values of_cc7819de_la05-cc7819d_ 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_company, strengthening the dissemination of its know-how and creating a solid connection with its
Website design.